Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Balule Photo Workshop 2010

A bushveld sentinel.
These Leadwood trees can live for a thousand years and are so dense that they stay standing for up to fifty years after they have died. So long as they are not ravaged by fire.
An African wildcat in the day!

The Drakensberg at sunset.

Flat lizard make great models.

The first rain clouds of summer made for great sunsets.

Two male lions reluctantly following the pride. With seventeen to feed there is little time to relax between hunts for this pride. Fantastic to see them all on the move together!

Stephen getting to grips with the low light!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Rhino Release

Due to the recent dramatic increase in rhino poaching it is great to see that there are still rhino being released into more wildlife areas in South Africa. The private reserves, various park's staff and people like WWF are doing a fantastic job of looking after our natural heritage. We must keep giving them the support that has been shown in the last few months. It is often only in a crisis that we get to see country's true colours and it is fantastic to see how behind our conservationists the country is.

After an overnight drive being released into a new reserve.

This fellow took out all his anxiety on the vehicle and lost his horn in the process. It just shows how easily the horn can come off without a serious amount of damage to the rhino. The horn will re grow and in about four years he will be back to square one!

All the equipment is especially designed to make the job as fast and safe for both people and animals as possible.

The still sedated rhino about to be put out to have a transmitter fitted in his horn. This enables the park staff to keep a daily check on his position.

Stopping even a sedated rhino takes some man power!

The smaller more rounded and compact foot of the Black Rhino.

Notching the ears provides easy ID in the bush and can be referenced on a national data base.

Lesions caused by a Filaria parasite,one of which is unique to Black Rhino.Part of it's life cycle is as a biting fly, their lava are found in the rhino's dung. The parasite is spread thru the population by rhino visiting dung middens in their territory.

Transmitter fitted, eyes covered to help keep him calm, ears blocked for the same reason. Just a few more minutes and the reversal drug will be given and then its a whole new world!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kruger Photo Workshop 8-12 July

Purple Pod Terminalia.
A splash of colour in the winter landscape.

Alan and I getting to grips with some aspect of photography! The workshops provide lots of opportunity for creativity and passing of different ideas between photographers. We all win and learn heaps!

The birds in the camps are great subjects and with cold overcast weather you have to take what you can get.


The Honoury Rangers Phalaborwa did a fantastic job in looking after all of us at Bataleur Camp. The facilities were great for our discussions and feedback sessions. The feedback was certainly were most people learnt a lot from each other. Thanks to the very constructive feedback and support of all involved. A big thank you to Gert and Tertius!

The sunset meant home time and the anticipation of a wonderful meal around the boma fire. Always welcome after the cold drive on an open vehicle.

Making the most of every opportunity.

What it is all about!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Olifants Wilderness Trail May 2010

Olifants River

The rapids just above the trails camp are a great spot for sundowners, especially with the river being so full this year. The whole character of the river feels different with so much water and the rapids add to that feeling of raw power. It is hard to get trailists back to camp before dark as they enjoy this situation so much.

The southern bank of the Olifants heading away from the confluence of the Letaba and Olifants. On this trail we learnt about 65 new trees in the two days walking, thanks to the group and their keen interest in everything botanical. This meant we also took our time and were rewarded with a close sighting of white rhino, we also saw buffalo, elephant and a great deal of general game.

The rapids just west of camp could provide some great rafting and paddling! Just have to think about what lies in wait below.

The island created by the two great rivers meeting.

Trails are about being in the moment, enjoying the solitude, the chance to let your mind rest and to realise in wilderness there is only you and your surrounds. It's this that modern man is getting further and further from and because of that, we are drawn to it all the more.

Trails Rangers A Frame.

The early mornings and the banter around the fire at night means rangers see little of their rooms and who really needs more.