Due to the recent dramatic increase in rhino poaching it is great to see that there are still rhino being released into more wildlife areas in South Africa. The private reserves, various park's staff and people like WWF are doing a fantastic job of looking after our natural heritage. We must keep giving them the support that has been shown in the last few months. It is often only in a crisis that we get to see country's true colours and it is fantastic to see how behind our conservationists the country is.

After an overnight drive being released into a new reserve.

This fellow took out all his anxiety on the vehicle and lost his horn in the process. It just shows how easily the horn can come off without a serious amount of damage to the rhino. The horn will re grow and in about four years he will be back to square one!

All the equipment is especially designed to make the job as fast and safe for both people and animals as possible.

The still sedated rhino about to be put out to have a transmitter fitted in his horn. This enables the park staff to keep a daily check on his position.

Stopping even a sedated rhino takes some man power!

The smaller more rounded and compact foot of the Black Rhino.

Notching the ears provides easy ID in the bush and can be referenced on a national data base.

Lesions caused by a Filaria parasite,one of which is unique to Black Rhino.Part of it's life cycle is as a biting fly, their lava are found in the rhino's dung. The parasite is spread thru the population by rhino visiting dung middens in their territory.