With Kariba Dam having two gates open at the time of our visit there was a tremendous amount of water in the Zambezi. This meant we could get into areas by boat that you can normally only walk into. We floated over islands and witnessed the animals movements and adaptations to this watery realm.

There seemed to be hippo everywhere!! WE were lucky to see a calf that had just been born as was still finding it's feet. Luckily it had a very tolerant mom!!

A not so tolerant mom!

The guests opted to use the boat more often as it is so peaceful just floating along. You are also able to get up close to various animals and birds, for great photography.

Elephant rubbing post.

A young African Rock Python coiled around a branch above the river.

The famous flood plain of Anna trees along the banks of the Zambezi. These trees are now threatened due to the lack of flooding since the damming of the river. The trees need the floods to help germinate new seeds.

Saddlebill Stork fishing one of the flooded areas.

The Zambezi is about 1.5 km wide at this point.

Elephant bull reaching for the Anna tree pods. The elephant in this area are smaller than elephant in other areas.

Under the watchful eye of our Zim guide Kaz.