I have often been asked how I became involved in wildlife. Well the answer, I think lies in what you are exposed to as a child and the experiences you have.
I was always into animals, horses, dog's and cats! That lead to wanting to be in the countryside to be able to ride a horse as often as possible.
I convinced my parents I wanted to go to boarding school and that is were the real interest started.
Being at a school that was very outdoors based I was soon exposed to all sorts of wildlife experiences. Tubing down a river, building forts in the forest, and trying to catch all sorts of small animals. Our snake collection was amazing for kids of ten years old.
Hiking trips into the berg were an all time favorite. Altho not always easy!
It is these experiences that I think build that love of the outdoors. The earlier we start exposing kids to the countryside and all it has the better.